Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic - MPM1D

This course enables students to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts related toalgebra, analytic geometry, and measurement and geometry through investigation, the effectiveuse of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate relationships, which theywill then generalize as equations of lines, and will determine the connections between differentrepresentations of a linear relation. They will also explore relationships that emerge from themeasurement of three-dimensional figures and two-dimensional shapes. Students will reasonmathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.

The mathematical processes that support effective learning in mathematics are as follows:

Mr. Giansante's goal is to present a mathematics course with an emphasis on problem solving and to prepare students to enter the world as creative and critical thinkers.

Curriculum Documents

MPM 1D Curriculum

Pages extracted from The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 and 10 - Mathematics (Revised 2005)

Resources for Parents

A Numeracy Guide for Parents/Guardians (OCDSB)

OCDSB Parent Guide to Assessment Evaluation and Reporting

Paying Attention to Well-Being in the Mathematics Classroom (Ontario Ministry of Education)

The Mathematical Process (Ontario Ministry of Education)

OCDSB Exit Outcomes